Our Experience, Achievements and on-going programs
- Since the year 2000 JIDA has been implementing a savings and credit project for women and youth. Under this self-sustained project, JIDA involved widows, orphans among others in the savings and credit project, where the clients participated in micro financing education as well as access to micro loans with a subsidized interest.
- In the year 2003, JIDA was funded by Care International to implement a program on HIV/AIDS and maternal and child health: under this program JIDA managed to offer education on HIV/AIDS, train 54 CBD, offered training on how to feed HIV/AIDS patients as well as preparation and distribution of good quality weaning food for children under five years of age.
- In the year 2004, JIDA received funds from NCAP, through TACOSODE, for most vulnerable children in Sikonge District. Only food items were provided to the Children.
- In the year 2004/2005, JIDA was involved in tree planting activities, where Dimon Morogoro supported JIDA office for tree planting activities in Tabora municipal (Development of Demo plots in Ipuli area. This was aiming at training farmers on proper tree planting and management. About 40 acres of trees were planted and managed)
- In the year 2004/2005, JIDA mobilized the construction of shallow wells at Mole, kipalapala, and Inala villages (support to community initiatives)
- In the year 2005 JIDA received funds from the Foundation for Civil Society to implement a project on grassroots awareness creation on PRSP, about 4 wards were reached in each of the 6 Districts of Tabora Region.
- In 2006 JIDA received another support from the Foundation for Civil Society to implement a project on grassroots awareness creation on national strategy for economic growth and reduction of poverty NSGRP, commonly known as “MKUKUTA”, following the decision of the government to review the PRSP,
- In the year 2006, JIDA, in collaboration with TYDC, implemented a project on anti stigma for youth and children, under “Jali watoto program” funded by USAID through Pact Tanzania in Igunga and Nzega Districts. About 600 youth were trained.
- In the year 2007, March, JIDA started implementing a new project for most vulnerable children ( Jali watoto), in 8 wards of Igunga District (Tabora) Funded by USAID through Pact Tanzania for two years, also funded by USAID through Pact Tanzania, about 1,107 children are reached
- In the year 2007 June, JIDA also received support from Stephen Lewis foundation ( Canada ) to implement a project on Children and people living with HIV/AIDS in Sikonge District (Tabora)
- In July 2007, the organization received another support from the Ministry of health, through Africare, to sensitize the community in sikonge District about the new Anti malaria tablet.
- In 2008 JIDA signed a new contract with Pact Tanzania to implement a Jali watoto “care for children” project in 10 wards of Nzega District, and 5 extra wards in Igunga District (Tabora region – Tanzania) about 2,404 children are reached, major services under the program included educational services (uniforms, school materials and school fees), health services (mosquito nets, CHF cards), economic strengthening (Livestock support), shelter and psychosocial. This project was extended to cover Uyui District in 2011.
- In 2008 JIDA launched a project on OVC in Uyui and sikonge District funded by TACAIDS through Care International
- Between 2008/2009/2010 JIDA was coordinating Implementing partners Group (IPG) meetings in Tabora Region. The costs were shared by partner organizations, voluntarily.
- Between 2008/2009/2010/2011, JIDA also coordinated another project on Access to information (ATI) that is implemented in Uyui District, supported by UNDP
- JIDA is implementing an awareness project on National strategy for growth and reduction of poverty in 18 Districts of Tabora, Singida and Shinyanga. This is a strategic program funded by FCS
- In 2010 JIDA implemented a voters education project that was funded by UNDP through Deloitte
- The organization is also implementing an Ant malaria project initially funded by population services International and now by Health Focus
- This year (2012) JIDA has started implementing a new program called Pamoja Tuwalee, funded by USAID through Pact Tanzania.