Rainy season SBCC activities in Nzega and Igunga districts
JIDA was subcontracted by Tanzania Communication and Development (TCDC) who collaborating with FHI 360 USAID TulongeAfya project through Malaria SBCC work during rainy season to support the Council Health Management Team on malaria intervention in Nzega and Igunga districts. The focus of this project is community mobilization in conjuction with the Community Change Agents platform. The goal of this project is to improve health status of Tanzanians (especially women and youth) by promoting positive health practices in households and communities.
Target audience:
The target audience for rainy season SBCC activities are as follows:
Primary target audiences:
- Care givers of children under 5
- Pregnant women
Second target audiences:
- Partners of pregnant women
- Influential family members
- Community leaders