JIDA is the implementing partner of USAID Tulonge Afya project, which aims to catalyze opportunities for Tanzanians to improve their health status by transforming socio-cultural norms and supporting the adoption of healthier behaviors. By addressing key social and cultural norms and social and behavior change (SBC) needs, USAID TulongeAfya identifies the drivers of behaviors directly tied to health and leverages social and behavior change communication (SBCC) and other mutually reinforcing approaches to achieve the following results:
- Result 1: Improved ability of individuals to practice healthy behaviors
- Result 2: Strengthened community support for healthy behaviors
- Result 3: Improved systems for coordination and implementation of SBCC interventions
USAID Tulonge Afya Project focusing on creating demand on health services especially in five health which are; – Malaria, TB, HIV, FP/RH and MNCH. The awareness will cut across all members in community regarding their age, sex and groups especially for Women and Youth.
Overall goal:To catalyze opportunities for Tanzanians to improve their health status by transforming socio-cultural norms and supporting the adoption of healthier behaviors.
Targeted audience
Tulonge Afya Project target the following groups such as
- Men and Women at risk for HIV age 18-19
- Pregnant women and their partners
- Adolescent girls age 15-24
- Young men age 15-24
- People living with HIV (PLHIV)
- TB Client
USAID TulongeAfya Project
Asha Emanuel a Peer champion for Nkiniziwa ward, Nzega district conducting interactive small group dialogues for adolescent girls known as Subira as a way of promoting modern contraceptive methods to protect young girls from early age pregnancies.
USAID TulongeAfya Project
Some of Uhuru torch race leaders in group photo with JIDA staff under USAID TulongeAfya project
USAID TulongeAfya Project
Scholastica Machibya (Right) a Peer champion for Isanzu ward conducting interactive youth small group session to young girls on modern contraceptive methods